About Nomadi Media


Nomadi Media is founded and ran by an award-winning Finnish travel blogger and tourism expert Veera Bianca – hey, that’s me! After 13 years of experience not just from travel blogging, but also from working in airline marketing, consulting travel start-ups, training hotels on social media and helping destinations to create content that stays valuable online for years – it was time to turn my expertise into what is now Nomadi Media.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management and am currently in the process of completing a Master of Science in Responsible Tourism Management. I am a professional photographer and have worked with publications such as the National Geographic. Due to the nature of my industry and my business, I currently live in Helsinki, Finland but have also called Australia, Sweden and Hong Kong my home.

What people I’ve worked with are saying:


Veera has not only travelled all around the world, she's a great writer and photographer. The delivery of articles was always on time and the quality was above expected.”


She is an excellent speaker and storyteller who captures the hearts and heads of the audience, keeps them engaged and motivates them”